Włodzimierz Bednarski

The Harp of God from 1921 and from 1928 – the most important differences

dodane: 2025-01-13
Artykuł ten, to jeden z trzech opublikowanych po angielsku. Dlaczego? Gdyż trzy omawiane książki w języku polskim miały jeden rodzaj tekstu (Harfa Boża, Wyzwolenie, Stworzenie). Natomiast w języku angielskim tekst publikacji był zmieniany. Chcemy zmiany te pokazać przede wszystkim w oryginale, a nie w tłumaczeniu. Pierwszą książką jest Harfa Boża, czyli The Harp of God.


The Harp of God from 1921 and from 1928 – the most important differences


Harfa Boża z roku 1921 i 1928 – najważniejsze różnice

Na wstępie informujemy, że skrócony materiał tego angielskiego artykułu opublikowany był w języku polskim w dwóch tekstach (patrz „Harfa Boża” II; Harfa Boża III). Obecnie publikujemy rozszerzone treści w przekładzie angielskim. Niestety w języku polskim ukazywała się w latach 1921-1930 tylko jedna wersja omawianej książki. Nie istniała edycja zrewidowana. Dlatego w języku polskim nie można było prześledzić zmian tekstu. W polskich edycjach z lat 1929-1930 zmieniono tylko okładkę, na taką, jaka jest w angielskiej edycji z roku 1928.


At the outset, we would like to inform you that the abridged material of this English article was published in Polish in two texts (see “Harfa Boża” II; Harfa Boża III). We are currently publishing extended content in English translation. Unfortunately, only one version of the book was published in Polish in the years 1921-1930. There was no revised edition. Therefore, changes in the text could not be traced in Polish. In the Polish editions from 1929-1930, only the cover was changed to the one in the English edition from 1928.


In 1921, the Watch Tower Society published the first book by President J. F. Rutherford (1869-1942). Two types of the book The Harp of God have been published. Editions 1921-1927 and the revised edition of 1928, which was published until 1940.

After 1928, probably only two editions contained the year of publication 1937 and 1940 (5,736,190 Edition, Printed March 1937; 5,744,000 Edition, 1940).The other editions had only copyright 1921 and a circulation increasing to 5,819,037 (Jehovah’s Witnesses—Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom 1993 p. 560).


The Harp of God from 1928 has no information that it is a revised edition. Nor does the index to Society publications provide such information, although it lists other revised editions of books.

Here are the changes I found in a cursory comparison of the 1921 and 1928 editions.


Millions now Living will never Die


In the 1928 edition, the promise was removed from the cover and title page: Millions now living will never die. This slogan has been known in the Watch Tower since 1918 (Jehovah’s Witnesses—Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom 1993 p. 163 – After the Gentile Times ended, they thought that the time of restitution was very near; so from 1918 down till 1925, they proclaimed: “Millions now living will never die.”).


1921, 1927

Words on the cover and title page: Proof Conclusive that Millions now Living will never Die



No promise on the cover and the title page.


In 1928, the appearance of the cover also changed.


Great Pyramid


Although the teaching of the Great Pyramid in the WatchTower was not rejected until November 15, 1928, the rejection in The Harp God also occurred in 1928.


1921, 1927

(...) (1 Peter 2:5-7) In earthly buildings there is no chief cornerstone; but in this building of God there is a chief cornerstone which is Christ Jesus. The topstone or chief cornerstone of a pyramid is itself a perfect pyramid. The other members of the body, then, must be built up into Christ to conform to that chief cornerstone, which is, illustrated by the Great Pyramid in Egypt. See Isaiah 19:19. (The Harp of God 1921, 1927 p. 188, par. 317).



(...) (1 Peter 2:5-7) Christ Jesus, who is God’s anointed King, is the chief corner Stone mentioned in this prophecy. The anointed ones who prove faithful unto death will, as living stones, be made a part of this building. The latter are the members of the body of Christ and must be made into his likeness and image. (The Harp of God 1928 p. 192, par. 317).


Resurrection within “few years”


Although other publications continued to use the term few years” after 1928 (see, for example, The Watch Tower October 1, 1929 p. 302), these words have been removed in this book.


1921, 1927

Because Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the other faithful prophets described by the Apostle Paul in Hebrews 11 are promised a better resurrection; (...) Hence these faithful men may be expected on earth within the next few years. They will constitute the legal representatives of the Christ in the earth. (The Harp of God 1921, 1927 p. 339-340 par. 580).



Because Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the other faithful prophets described by the Apostle Paul in Hebrews 11 are promised a better resurrection; (...) Hence these faithful men may be expected on earth at the inauguration of the new covenant. They will constitute the legal representatives of The Christ in the earth. (The Harp of God 1928 p. 346 par. 580).


Abraham and spiritual nature after the Millennium


From the time of C. T. Russell (1852-1916) it was taught that the resurrected “ancient worthies” were to constitute princes. For their work during the Millennium, the princes were to be rewarded with being taken up to heaven:


They also thought that perhaps—just perhaps—the “ancient worthies” who would serve as princes on the earth during the millennial era would, at the end of that time, somehow be granted heavenly life. (Ps. 45:16) (Jehovah’s Witnesses—Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom 1993 p. 161).


1921, 1927

Abraham, the father of the faithful, and his colleagues of like faithfulness, who have, under the supervision of the Christ, directed the people through their Millennial trial, have finished their earthly career and have been raised to a higher plane as spirit beings. Having during that reign turned many to righteousness, they shine forth as the stars for ever and ever. (Daniel 12:3) (The Harp of God 1921, 1927 p. 356, par. 622).

See also The Golden Age, May 18, 1927, p. 543 (The Harp of God published in many parts).


         This teaching was changed probably in 1926 (The Golden Age, November 3, 1926 p. 90Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David and many like men died; and none of them went to heaven. Not even John the Baptist went to heaven or ever will be there.). See alsoWhere Are the Dead? 1927 p. 11).



Abraham, the father of the faithful, and his colleagues of like faithfulness, who have, under the supervision of the Christ, directed the people through their millennial trial, have faithfully performed their work,and will be greatly loved by the people. Having during that reign turned many to righteousness, they shine forth as the stars for ever and ever. (Daniel 12:3) (The Harp of God 1928 pp. 363-364, par. 622).


The word “saint” has been removed everywhere


Until the end of 1927, the terms St. Paul, St.Peter etc.:


The WatchTower, March 15, 1927, pp. 93-94;

The WatchTower, April 1, 1927, p. 105;

The WatchTower, April 15, 1927, p. 116;

The WatchTower, June 1, 1927, p. 165;

The Golden Age, November 2, 1927, p. 90;

The Golden Age, December 14, 1927, p. 166.


In 1928, this book removed the term “saint” (St.) as applied to the Apostles and others in the New Testament He appeared in the text about 95 times.


1921, 1927

The account given by St. Luke is almost identical with that given by St. Matthew. Likewise the testimony given by St. Mark. St. John also gives an accurate account of the resurrection of the Lord. (The Harp of God 1921, 1927 p. 161, par. 267).


In due time Saul of Tarsus, who afterward was named St. Paul, was illuminated and understood. (The Harp of God 1921, 1927 p. 186, par. 312).



The accountgiven by Luke is almostidentical with that given by Matthew. Likewise the testimony given by Mark. John also gives an accurate accountof the resurrection of the Lord. (The Harp of God 1928 p. 164 par. 267).


In due time Saul of Tarsus, who afterwards was named Paul, was illuminated and understood. (The Harp of God 1928 p. 190, par. 312).


Spirit upon – all mankind


From the time of Russell it has been taught that the second Pentecost will take place in the future (see, for example, Scenario of the Photo-Drama of Creation 1914 p. 73).In 1926, it was announced at a convention that this second outpouring of the Spirit took place in 1918 (see The Watch Tower July 1, 1926, p. 198).Therefore, in this 1928 book, this doctrine was changed.


1921, 1927

These are the ones designated by the prophet Joel as the servants and handmaidens of God; and in the gospel age God pours out his spirit upon them; which means to give them his spirit. But in God's due time he will pour out his spirit upon all mankind, so that all can understand his wonderful plan.–Joel 2:28,29. (The Harp of God 1921, 1927 pp. 189-190, par. 320).



After one becomes a Christian be mustcontinue to joyfully obey God’s commandments if he would continue to have an understanding and appreciation of the truth as set forth in his Word (The Harp of God 1928 p. 194, par. 320).


Holy spirit – influence


From the time of Russell, the word “influence” was additionally used to describe the Holy Spirit.Although TheWatch Tower did not reject this teaching until 1930 (TheWatch Tower September 1, 1930 p. 259 – Nor could it be properly said that the holy spirit is the influence of Jehovah, because influence means to be moved or controlled by the operation of power.), the term was removed from this book as early as 1928.


1921, 1927

The holy apirit means the invisible power or influence of Jehovah–holy because he is holy. (The Harp of God 1921, 1927 p. 15, par. 14).

See also p. 15, par. 14 (3 more times);p. 97, par.162 (4 times);p. 102, par.173.



The holy spirit meansthe invisible power of Jehovah, holy because he is holy. (The Harp of God 1928 p. 15, par. 14).

See also p. 15, par. 14;p. 98, par.162;p. 103, par.173.


As late as mid-1927, the influence of God was taught:


The holy spirit means the invisible power or energy or influence of the Almighty. (The Golden Age July 27, 1927 p. 697).


The holy spirit is often mentioned in the Bible. It means the unseen power of Jehovah God. It is His influence, His spirit; (The Golden Age August 10, 1927 p. 735).


Harvest 50 years, not 40 years


From the time of Russell, the 40-year harvest was taught (1874-1914, later 1878-1918).In 1924, the doctrine of the 50-year harvest (1874-1924) was introduced.This is what the following publications taught:

The WatchTower Jan. 1, 1924 p. 5;

brochureOur Lord's Return 1925 pp. 30-31, 36-37.


The science of 50 years was introduced in this book in 1928.


1921, 1927

The Scriptures disclose a complete parallel concerning the Jewish and gospel ages. The parallel exists with reference to time as well as events. The Jewish age ended with a harvest, which harvest began with the ascension of our Lord in the year A. D. 33. By the term harvest” here used is meant the gathering of the remnant of the Jews to Christ. Jesus' statement plainly is that the gospel age will end with a harvest, during which time he would be present, directing the work of that harvest. In the earth three and a half years from the time of his consecration and baptism, Jesus was preparing the Jews for the harvest of that age. We shouldexpect to fhd a parallel of this with reference to the harvest of the gospel age, and we do h d it. Counting three and a half years from 1874, the time of his presence, brings us to 1878. During the presence of the Lord from 1874 to 1878 he was making preparation for the harvest of the gospel age. The Jewish harvest covered a period of forty years, ending in A. D. 73. We should expect, then, the general harvest of the gospel age to end in 1918. (The Harp of God 1921, 1927 pp. 235-236 par. 411).



The Lord used the natural harvest to illustrate the harvest of his people at the end of the age. There was a harvest of certain of the Jews at the end of the Jewish Age (John 4:35, 36). There is a parallel harvest period in the Christian era; and since the Lord used the natural wheat harvest of Israel as a picture of the harvest of his people, it might not be out of place here to say that from the time of the beginning of the Jewish harvest until Pentecost was fifty days; and earrying out the Biblical rule of a day for a year, it would not be unreasonable to conclude that the harvest of the Christian era would cover a period of fifty years. During the period of time since 1874 there has been a great gathering together of Christian people from different quarters of the earth, without regard to erecd or denomination. (The Harp of God 1928 pp. 240-241, par. 411-412).


C. T. Russell a faithful and wise servant


In 1928, the teaching about C. T. Russell as a faithful and wise servant, which was in the 1921 edition (1921, 1927 pp. 237-240, par. 416-422), was removed. This teaching was revised in the WatchTower of February 15, 1927 (pp. 51-57).

Here is the most important passage missing from the 1928 edition:


Without a doubt Pastor Russell filed the office for which the Lord provided and about which he spoke, and was therefore that wise and faithful servant, ministering to the household of faith meat in due season. (The Harp of God 1921, 1927 p. 239, par. 420).


Paragraphs 416-422 (ed. 1921, 1927) contained a summary of the life and work of C. T. Russell.

In 1922, a new teaching was introduced that the Lord had come to his spiritual temple in the spring of 1918, rejecting Christianity.Among other things, this fragment was included in the 1928 edition:


If we are warranted in applying the rule of the parallels, then we should expect that the Lord would come to his temple three and one-half years thereafter, to wit, in the spring of 1918 (The Harp of God1928 p. 244, par. 419).


Then three and one-half years after the autumn of 1914, to wit, in the spring of 1918, there came upon the consecrated people of God a great fiery trial, now well known to all Christians. This came exactly in harmony with prophecy, fitting exactly the prophecy of Malachi as to what would come to pass when the Lord suddenly comes to his temple. And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi.” (Malachi 3:3)(The Harp of God1928 p. 246, par. 422; see also par. 421).


Instead of the gleaning since 1918 announcing that millions now living will never die


The doctrine of the gleaning was introduced in 1919 (see The Watch Tower May 1, 1919 p. 6429, reprint).This teaching was soon discarded in 1924, ushering in a new harvest period of 1874-1924 (see The Watch Tower Jan. 1, 1924 p. 5).See harvest description above.

In the 1928 edition, paragraph 412 emphasized (instead of the gleaning) the slogan millions now living will never die.


1921, 1927

The natural harvest was used by the Lord to illustrate his harvest of Christians. In the Jewish natural harvest it was customary to glean the field after the regular harvest was over. We should therefore expect to find a harvest period from 1878 to 1918, and thereafteifor a time a gleaning work going on, in which a few Christians would be gathered in, as well as another part of the harvest work to be done, which we will indicate: The question now is, Do we find a period of harvest in the gospel age after 1874 which serves as a fulfillment of the prophecy of the Lord? (The Harp of God 1921, 1927 p. 236 par. 412).



During the period of time since 1874 there has been a great gathering together of Christian people from different quarters of the earth, without regard to erecd or denomination. (...) During this period of time these Christians have gone throughout the earth proclaiming that the kingdom of heaven is at hand; and now they are particularly announcing to the people the presence of the Lord, that his kingdom is at hand and that millions now living will never die (The Harp of God 1928 p. 241, par. 412).


The text in 1928 is partly taken from Our Lord's Return (1925 p. 31).


Revised paragraphs 413-415


Entirely amended paragraphs 413-415 (ed. 1921, 1927). These paragraphs are of little importance.

The text of sections 413-414 (ed. 1928) is found in Our Lord's Return (1925 pp. 31-32).

Almost all of paragraph 415 (ed. 1928) is words from 2 Corinthians 6:16 and Ephesians 2:18-22.


Revised paragraphs 423-425


Entirely amended paragraphs 423-425 (ed. 1921, 1927).

The 1921 edition emphasizes the presence of the Lord since 1874 (1921 p. 249, par. 425).

The 1928 edition emphasizes the coming of the Lord to His temple in 1918 (1928 p. 247, par. 424).

The content of paragraph 423 (eds. 1921, 1927) partially overlaps with that of paragraph 425 (ed. 1928).


Additional year 1918 - the coming of the Lord to the temple and the resurrection of the dead anointed ones


In the editions of 1921-1927, 1918 appeared as the end of the harvest time.This teaching, as stated above, was changed in the 1928 edition.

In the 1928 edition, the year 1918 was added in several places as the time of the Lord's coming to the spiritual temple (pp. 260-261, par. 462 – comes to his temple).The invisible resurrection of the dead anointed ones was associated with this year and event (p. 299, par. 498 – (...) his coming to his temple, these dead saints in Christ were resurrected).

The doctrine of the resurrection of the anointed was changed in 1927 (The Watch Tower May 15, 1927, p. 150).Until 1927, it was taught that this resurrection had been going on since 1878.

Here are the 4 places where 1918 has been added:

p. 244, par.419;p. 246, par.422;p. 246, par.423;p. 247, par.424.


Character development


In 1926, the science of character development was rejected:


This problem was firmly addressed in the article “Character or Covenant—Which?” in the May 1, 1926, issue of The WatchTower. It showed that efforts to develop a “perfect character” while in the flesh caused some to give up in discouragement, but at the same time, it produced a “more holy than thou” attitude in others and tended to cause them to lose sight of the merit of Christ’s sacrifice(Jehovah’s Witnesses—Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom 1993 pp. 172-173).


Accordingly, in the 1928 edition, paragraph 486 was changed (p. 294).The fragment concerning an effort to develop, which was in the edition from 1921-1927, was removed (p. 287, par. 486). Another passage on page 266 was similarly changed.


         1921, 1927

(...) striving to develop the fruits and graces of the spirit and to be prepared for the coming of the Bridegroom. (The Harp of God 1921, 1927 p. 266, par. 460).



(...) have rejoiced in the fact of his presence and delighted in telling others thereof, and have prepared for the coming of the Bridegroom. (The Harp of God 1928 p. 266, par. 460).


Also, in the 1928 edition, the word “character” was completely removed. It was in 10 places in the editions from 1921-1927:

         p. 55, par. 91; p. 200, par. 342; p. 286, par. 482; p. 288, par. 486; p. 289, par. 489; p. 292, par. 497; p. 304, par. 527; p. 330, par. 559; p. 351, par. 611; p. 356, par. 622.


Three Wise Men from the East


Already in 1920 inThe Watch Tower (The Watch Tower February 15, 1920 p. 56), and in 1921 in the book entitledHarp of God negated the positive role of the “wise men from the East”.It was then said that Satan had brought them to the birth of Jesus.But then it was still emphasized that there were “three” and not called “astrologers”.


         1921, 1927

         The Bible proof shows, however, that these three wise men were not sent by the Lord God, but that they were directed by the great adversary, the devil, in his attempt to destroy the babe (The Harp of God 1921, 1927 p. 91).


         The number “three” was repeated five times (p. 91 [3 times], p. 95, p. 108 [Question to Paragraph 146] – The Harp of God 1921, 1927).



In 1928, in the new edition of the quoted book, the word “three” was removed:


         The Bible proof shows, however, that these wise men were not sent by the Lord God, but that they were directed by the great adversary, the devil, in his attempt to destroy the babe (The Harp of God 1928 p. 92).


However, in one less significant place, the word “three” was left:


         Much has been said and written concerning three wise men who journeyed from the east to pay their homage to the babe Jesus, born in Bethlehem(The Harp of God 1928 p. 92).


It is interesting that in 1933 The Watchtower again wrote about “these three wise men” (The Watchtower October 15, 1933, p. 319).On the other hand, the Polish publication omit the word “three” (Polish The Watchtower December 15, 1933 p. 381).


There are no two phases or parts of the kingdom of God


This is not a change in the doctrine of the kingdom of God, but a certain clarification.Although strange words were used: as some have supposed.After all, it was primarily the author of the book who taught that, not others.

We give four examples of textual changes regarding the phases and parts of the kingdom of God.


1921, 1927

Thus St. Paul pictures the gathering. together of those who compose the spiritual phase of. Messiah's kingdom, namely, the church, Head and body. (The Harp of God 1921, 1927 p. 302, par. 522).



Thus Paul pictures the gathering together of those who compose the official members of Messiah’s kingdom, namely, the church, Head and body. (The Harp of God 1928 p. 309, par. 522).


1921, 1927

We therefore see that there are two phases of God's kingdom: the heavenly, which is invisible; and the earthly, which is visible, the faithful prophets of old, namely, the ancient worthies, representing the Lord in this regard. (The Harp of God 1921, 1927 p. 340, par. 581).



There are not two parts of the kingdom as some have supposed. It is God’s kingdom with Christ Jesus as king in active rulership. He and his associates are invisible. His earthly represcntatives, the ancient worthies, will constitute the visible agents or officers of that kingdom. (The Harp of God 1928 p. 347, par. 581).


1921, 1927

The cleaving of this mountain in the midst, showing a part on the north and a part on the south, pictures the two phases, heavenly and earthly, of the Messianic kingdom (The Harp of God 1921, 1927 p. 341, par. 582).



The cleaving of this mountain in the midst, showing a part on the north and a part on the south, pictures the Messianic kingdom, governed from heaven, with representatives on earth (The Harp of God 1928 p. 347, par. 582).


1921, 1927

He shall call to the heavens [the spiritual, invisible part of the kingdom] from above, and to the earth [the new organized government], that he may judge his people.” (Psalm 50:4.) (The Harp of God 1921, 1927 p. 341, par. 584).



         The content of the paragraph has been completely changed. (The Harp of God 1928 p. 348, par. 584).


Who will be saved?


In the 1928 edition, the conditions that must be met in order to save oneself and live in the new world were changed.


1921, 1927

The prophet Zechariah informs us that a portion of the people will be brought through the fiery trouble, and refined, and then will call upon the name of the Lord and he will hear them. (Zechariah 13:8,9). (The Harp of God 1921, 1927 p. 330, par. 558).



These if obedient to the laws of God shall live and never die. (The Harp of God 1928 p. 336, par. 558).


When was Satan cast out of heaven?


In 1925, it was announced that Satan had been cast out of heaven around 1914:


In 1925 C.E. they made known that after the beginning of the “last days” in 1914 great trouble was due because, after a war in heaven, “down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth . . . Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing he has a short period of time.” – Rev. 12:9-12 (The Watchtower August 1, 1971 p. 469).


In the older version of the book in question, it was taught that Satan was cast out of heaven many centuries ago.

Science has been changed in the new version of the book.


1921, 1927

God manifested his justice toward Lucifer by expelling him from his presence and has decreed that he shall be ultimately destroyed. (Ezekiel 28:14-18; Hebrews 2:14) When Lucifer was expelled from the presence of Jehovah because of his wickedness, he thereafter was and is known by the names of dragon, that old serpent, the devil, and Satan. (Revelation 12:9) (The Harp of God 1921, 1927 p. 37, par. 43).



God manifested his justice toward Lucifer by judicially determining that in his own due time that evil one shall be destroyed. (Ezekiel 28:14-18; Hebrews 2:14) Lucifer, because of his wickedness, thereafter was and is known by the names of Dragon, that old Serpent, the Devil, and Satan. (Revelation 12:9) (The Harp of God 1928 p. 37, par. 43).


Does the truth “bind” Satan or only “exposing” him?


In 1924, it was announced that Satan is no longer “bound” by the truth, nor does it “bind” him:


Prior to 1924 many of the Lord’s anointed understood that Satan was bound, and not until the autumn of that year was the proof clearly brought forth showing that Satan is not bound. (See The Watchtower, 1924, page 307.) (The Watchtower April 1, 1933 p. 103).


In the 1928 book, the words about binding Satan were removed:


1921, 1927

Thus the Lord is letting the light of truth shine out, and by the truth is binding Satan, which means the great adversary, the devil, and his various agencies and influences in the earth. And this is further evidence of the Lord's presence. (The Harp of God 1921, 1927 p. 255, par. 454).



Thus the Lord is letting the light of truth shine out, and by the truth is exposing Satan, which means the great adversary, the Devil, and his various agencies and influences in the earth. And this is further evidence of the Lord’s presence. (The Harp of God 1928 p. 262, par. 454).


Another passage states that Lord binds Satan, but the 1928 edition changed the word to exposing:


1921, 1927

As the great divine plan has been revealed to these they have learned that the Lord has returned and. is here, invisible to human eyes, yet exercising his great power in binding Satan (The Harp of God 1921, 1927 p. 262, par. 466).



As the great divine plan has been revealed to these they have learned that the Lord has returned and is here, invisible to human eyes, yet exercising his great power in exposing Satan (The Harp of God 1928 p. 269, par. 466).


Reign of Christ since 1914


         The doctrine of Jesus' reign from 1914 was introduced in 1922, and clarified in 1925 (see The Watchtower April 1, 1933 p. 103).

The book, published in 1921, has not discussed Christ's reign since 1878. Still less has it discussed His reign since 1914, although it mentions the end of the “times of the Gentiles.”It was not until the 1928 edition that the doctrine of Jesus' reign from 1914 was included:



The period of the Gentiles is 2,520 years and ended in the autumn of 1914. That date should mark the time when Christ Jesus assumed his power to reign, in fulfilment of prophecy. (...) The Gentile times ended in the autumn of 1914. The evidence is quite conclusive that here the Lord Jesus Christ, in obedience to God's command, stood up and began to exercise his power  (The Harp of God 1928 p. 244, par. 417, 419).


In the autumn of 1914 the nations became angry; the World War came, followed quickly by famine and pestilence and earthquakes then occurred persecution of Christians, and other things foretold by Jesus Christ as marking the end of the world. That was the time, as shown by the Scriptures, when he would take his power and begin his reign. (The Harp of God 1928 p. 246, par. 422).


Other less significant changes


Other less significant changes were noted in the following paragraphs:


par.18, Job 38:35 and Nahum 2:3-6 removed;

par. 406 and 410, text change;

par.487-490, text change;

par.547, reference to The Finished Mystery,pages 82-95, removed;

par.584, wording about the kingdom of God on earth changed;

par.597, new earth identification changed:

    1921 – the new earth (society organized on a righteous basis in the earth).

    1928 – the new earth (mankind organized on a righteous basis in the earth).


We see that in the newer edition of the book entitledHarp of God (1928) made many changes.After 1940, the book was discarded because the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses changed again.This book, despite the corrections made in 1928, did not contain the current teaching of the Watchtower Society.

Interestingly, in the 1928 edition, printed until 1940, several outdated teachings were not removed: about the invisible coming of Christ in 1874, about the beginning of the time of the end in 1799, about the cross of Christ. True, these teachings were not changed until after 1928, but the book was printed until at least 1940, and studied even as late as 1943:


In 1943, I symbolized my dedication to God by water baptism. By then I was conducting Bible studies in three of the neighboring villages—Dhravískos, Palaeokomi, and Mavrolofos. I used the book The Harp of God as our Bible study aid (The Watchtower October 1, 1999 p. 23).


Nor did the Society remove the term “religion” in its 1928 edition (see The Harp of God 1928 p. 54, par. 89).Perhaps this is due to the fact that it was only at the end of 1927 that the word was rejected and there was no time to make a correction to the new edition of the book (see The Watch Tower November 1, 1927 p. 324).


Was there no time after 1928 to update this publication?


You may not have found all the changes made to this book.If the reader knows of other corrections, please contact:




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